
English - Spanish

Scientific Program
Practical Information

SIGMA Special Issue



All attendees are requested to fill in and submit the AMDS2014 Registration Form together with the payment by October 6, 2014. In case you need to cancel your attendance, you are required to submit a written statement including name, address, phone number and email. Cancellations prior to August 5, 2014 will be charged a process fee of 25% of the Registration fee. No refunds will be issued after Octuber 20, 2014. Please make payment in Colombian Pesos only (you can use other money using with the current rate exchange). Please write to for questions related with the registration process.

Undergraduates* (students who have not yet completed their bachelor) registration fee: 288,000 COP.
Graduate students* (students that are enrolled in a Master or a PhD program) registration fee: 350,000 COP.
Young Professor - Researcher* (those who have obtained their PhD after December 31, 2009) registration fee: 350,000 COP.

*Undergraduate students, graduate students and young professors – researcher should send official certification whenever it is requested.

Senior professors, researchers and other professionals registration fee: 432,000 COP.

Registration fee includes lunchs, coffee breaks and conference material. Does not include hotel, breakfast, dinner nor social program activities such as tours and Conference Dinner. To reserve a room at the official hotel of the conference, a tour or to confirm your attendance to the Conference Dinner please write to


Sociedad Colombiana de Matemáticas
Universidad Nacional Bogotá - Colombia Tel.: (571) 2 21 67 95 Fax.: 2 21 67 95 Correo: