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SIGMA Special Issue



The International Conference in Algebraic Methods in Dynamical Systems (AMDS) is a series of conferences mainly addressing the following topics:

  • Linear Differential Galois Theory,
  • Non-Linear Differential Galois Theory,
  • Difference Galois Theory,
  • Integrability of Dynamical Systems,
  • Integrability of Partial Differential Equations,
  • Integrability in Quantum Mechanics, and
  • Painlevé Transcendent.

The first AMDS took place in Barcelona, Spain, in 2008 and the second one was organized in Bedlewo, Poland, in 2010. The third edition of this conference series, AMDS 2014, will be dedicated to Juan J. Morales-Ruiz on occasion of his 60th birthday, and will be held in Barranquilla, Colombia.

Barranquilla, Cartagena and Santa Marta, the three jewels of the Colombian Caribbean Basin, have hosted great scientific congresses and mathematics meetings such as CIMPA Schools, International Mathematical Olympiads (IMO), South American Dynamics Days (DDAYS), AMS meetings and others. AMDS 2014 follows the high standard of the aforementioned meetings. Barranquilla is the midpoint between Cartagena and Santa Marta, equidistant by around 90 minutes from each.

Sociedad Colombiana de Matemáticas
Universidad Nacional Bogotá - Colombia Tel.: (571) 2 21 67 95 Fax.: 2 21 67 95 Correo: